Tuesday, March 18 2025

In Culture

Human nature

Stay still.

Human nature is complicated, it can't be said as good nor bad. People do love money and fame, everyone does. No matter how well we cover it, how many masks we put on, no one is as holy as an angel. Yet, as an uni student, is that matter that much? Our duty is to study and enjoy our lives before stepping into the workplace. Involving different society's activities should be enjoyable, but when it become a competition which will turn friends into enemy, aren't something is going wrong? They fight and try to be in the highest position in the society no matter how much they are gonna sacrifice, they lost the friendship, brothership, happiness and kindness, and it even turned them into vain people. Is this the original aim of organizing the society? Some people are just go with the crowd and get themselves lost, put on different masks toward different people. So they think they are a dog? Lick the person who can give them more benefits and bend with wind. The world should not be like this, I am not an anti-socialist, I am just an ordinary 19s student who have just started to understand the human nature, but at least I know we should not give up our own believes and dignities.

Gossip is everywhere, especially within a closed area. Day by day, week by week, people laugh, insult, bully, until someday, they start to gossip about their friends, the gang start to break into small parties, they used to be best friend but now they are pointing fingers to each one. They enjoy the process of gossiping, by this, they can gain self esteem, is like they are more powerful than the others, they have the right to judge them. I don't have the ability to judge anyone cause I did gossip too, but we should control ourselves and dont be too childish. Somebody loves gossiping around doesn't mean the other does, loves spreading rumours doesn't mean other does. Please stop thinking that everyone are gossiping about it, tbh no one is tattling about it and we all got our stuff to do, be mature. Why don't we just try to stay still and don't be fooled by vanity, stop gossiping the others so no one's gonna gossip about us, right?

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